Edward Dickinson Baker Day in 2025

When is Edward Dickinson Baker Day?


When is Edward Dickinson Baker Day?

Edward Dickinson Baker Day is always celebrated on 24 February, the birthday of Edward Dickinson Baker. It is not a public holiday.

Background to Edward Dickinson Baker Day

Edward Dickinson Baker was Oregon's second United States Senator. Baker moved to America with his parents from London, England when he was a boy. An outstanding orator, Baker moved to Oregon and started his service to our newly minted state just before the start of the American Civil War. A close friend and colleague of Abraham Lincoln from back when Baker called Illinois his residence,

Senator Baker was instrumental in helping Lincoln to win the 1860 election and formally introduced him to Congress after Lincoln's first inauguration. Lincoln named his son 'Eddie' after Baker and he was a familiar face at the White House.

Loyal to his adopted country, Senator Baker, an ardent anti-slavery politician,  took up arms in defense of the Union after the rebels captured Fort Sumter on April 12th 1861. He was successful in raising his own regiment and turning down the offered rank of General to take that of Colonel...so that Baker could retain his seat in the Senate. 

Unfortunately, Colonel Baker became one of the first prominent Union military leaders to die in battle, as he was mortally wounded while leading his troops at the Battle of Ball's Bluff on the fateful afternoon of October 21st 1861, near Leesburg, Virginia.

Oregon has honored Senator Edward Dickinson Baker over the years, as Baker County, Baker City, numerous streets and now a state day of recognition has been named in memory of his contributions to the state and adopted country.

Content: K.C.Piccard, President of the Oregon Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission

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