Washington's Birthday Holiday in 2025
This state holiday was originally on February 22
When is Washington's Birthday Holiday?
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Washington's Birthday Holiday in USA
Where this holiday is observed as a state holiday, government offices, educational institutions and many businesses are usually closed.
This state holiday is observed in December in Georgia and Indiana to extend the Christmas holidays.
It may be observed on Christmas Eve or Boxing Day or even another date depending on what day of the week Christmas Day falls on.
In Indiana, Washington’s Birthday is observed on Christmas Eve or the day preceding the weekend if Christmas falls on Saturday or Sunday.
Although a federal holiday, Washington’s Birthday is also recognized as a state holiday. However, unlike most states that observe this day in February, Georgia has observed Washington’s Birthday on Christmas Eve since the state legislature passed a law in 1973 that moved the holiday to the Friday before Christmas. This was done to create a three-day weekend for state employees and to boost tourism during the holiday season.