Battle of the Boyne (in lieu) in 2025

Battle of the Boyne (in lieu) in Northern Ireland in 2025

When is Battle of the Boyne (in lieu)?


When is the Twelfth?

The Twelfth, also known as the Battle of the Boyne or Orangemen's Day is an annual public holiday observed in Northern Ireland on July 12th, or Monday after, if 12th falls on a weekend.

This holiday may also be known as the July Bank Holiday.

History of the Battle of the Boyne

Events on the day commemorate the Battle of the Boyne, fought on July 1st 1690 by King William of Orange against King James II. The battle predates the switch to the Gregorian calendar in 1752, which is why it is now celebrated on July 12th.

Before the battle even began, with the forces lined up on opposite banks of the Boyne, an early cannonball strike from James' artillery hit William on his right shoulder. A few inches to the left and the whole history of Ireland may have been changed. As it was, the injury wasn't serious enough to stop William commanding his troops and winning the day.

The victory of William and his Orangemen was seen as a key moment in the 'Glorious Revolution' when the Protestant (but not very English) William overthrew the Catholic James with the support of the English Parliamentarians.

How is the Twelfth celebrated?

The day is marked by marches by the Orange Order across Northern Ireland. As a significant proportion of the population of Northern Ireland is Catholic, The Twelfth is an undeniably contentious holiday, with the route of the marches serving as flashpoints for conflicts between Protestants and Catholics over the years.

On the Eleventh night, huge bonfires are lit in Protestant areas. The tradition is that the bonfires were lit to help King William navigate his way to his landing in Ireland at Carrickfergus Castle. However, the timing of a bonfire tradition so close to Midsummer Day may hint at an older source for the custom.

When the Northern Irish economy was more reliant on manufacturing, it was common practice for many businesses to close for two weeks around this holiday - known as the Twelfth Fortnight. This shutdown may still be observed by some companies.

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