Feast of San Vincent Ferrer in 2025

Feast of San Vincent Ferrer in Valenciana in 2025

When is Feast of San Vincent Ferrer?


When is the Feast of San Vincent Ferrer?

The Feast of San Vincent Ferrer is observed in the Catholic Church on April 5th, the date of his death in 1419.

The municipal public holiday in the city of Valencia is observed on the Monday after Easter Monday. This is the last day of the school holidays in many parts of the city.

Traditions of the Feast of San Vincent Ferrer

Vincent Ferrer was a Valencian Dominican friar, who gained acclaim as a missionary and a logician

St.Vincent Ferrer is the patron saint of the Valenciana Community. He was named after St. Vincent Martyr, who is the patron saint of the city of Valencia.

Though it may not be declared as an official regional public holiday, the day of St.Vicent Ferrer, all stores in Valencia will be closed.

There will be parades in the streets in the centre of the city, with people dressed in their typical Valencian clothes and most groups will be accompanied by a small band of musicians.

The biggest parade takes place along the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, starting at 13:00. There will also be a special mass in the cathedral in the morning.

Where is the Feast of San Vincent Ferrer a municipal holiday?

Province of Valencia

Ademuz, Agullent, Aielo de Malferit, Aielo de Rugat, Albalat del Tarogers, Alberic, Alboraya, Aldaya, Alfafar, Alfara de Patriarca, Alfauir, Algar de Palancia, Algemesí, Algimia de Alfara, Alginet, Almàssera, Alzira, Aras de los Olmos , La Barraca d'Aigües Vives, Barx, Benagéber, Benetússer, Benifairó de la Valldigna, Benifairó de les Valls, Benimuslem, Beniparrell, Bonrepós i Mirambell, Bufali, Carcaixent, Casas Altas, Catarroja, Cerdà, Chelva, Chulilla, Cullera, Emperor , Estivella, Faura, Fontanars del Aforins, Fortaleny, Gandia, Gavarda, Gestalgar, Gilet, Gadesséquies, Guardamar de la Safor, La Yesa, Llíria, Llocnou de la Corona, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Macastre, Manises, Mareny de Barraquetes, Marines , Massalfassar, Massanassa, Meliana, Mislata, Mogente, Montaverner, Montesa, Montroy, Montserrat, Museros, Otos, Paiporta, Paterna, Pedralba,El Perelló, Petrés, Potríes, Puçol, Quart de les Valls, Rafelbunyol, Ràfol de Salem, Real, real de Gandia, Riba-roja del Turia, Riola, Rocafort, Rótova, Rugat, Sagunto, Silla, Simat de la Valldigna, Sueca , Tavernes Blanques, Tavernes de Valldigna, Terrateig, Torrella, Torret, Turís, Utiel, Valencia, Vallada, Villalonga, Xàtiva, Xeresa and Xirivella.

Province of Alicante

Atzúbia, Albatera, Alcoleja, Algueña, Benasau, Beneixama, Beniarbeig, Benidoleig, Benifallim, Benijoba, Benilloba, Biar, Bigastro, Busot, Callosa de Segura, Campo de Mirra, Cañada, Castell de Castells, Daya Vieja, Eatim de Jesús Pobre, Elche, Famorca, Jacarilla, Monóvar, Novelda, La Nucia, Orba, Parcent, Pinoso, Els Poblets, La Romana, Sagra, San Fulgencio, San Vicente del Raspeig, Teulada, Tibi, Tormos, Torrevieja, Vall d'Ebo, Vall de la Gallinera, Vall de Laguar, El Verger and Villena.

Castellón province

Alfondeguilla, Algimia de Almonacid, Almassora, Artana, Atzeneta del Maestrat, Benlloch, Betxí, Borriol, Càlig, Castellnovo, Chilches, Cortes de Arenoso, Eslida, Gaibiel, l'Alcora, La Llosa, La Pobla de Tornesa, La Vall d ' Uixó, Lucena del Cid, Matet, Navajas, Nules, Peñíscola, Sant Joan de Moró, Torreblanca, Traiguera, Vall d'Alba, Villarreal, Vilafamés and Xert.

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