Bank Holiday in 2024

When is Bank Holiday?


Whereas paragraph 1 Of Public Notice No. 223 published in the Gazette on the 16th day of June, 2022 states that "pursuant to section 1 (3) of the Redenomination Of the Leone (Characteristics) Regulations 2021, the redenominated currency shall become legal tender effective 1st July 2022, the Bank of Sierra Leone hereby states as follows:

The Bank Of Sierra Leone has issued the following Directives to all commercial banks and other deposit-taking institutions; 

a) Pursuant to section 122(2) Of the Banking Act, 2019, Thursday, the 30th day Of June 2022 shall be declared a bank holiday with regards to systems and transactions, and accordingly, all commercial banks and deposit-taking institutions shall be closed to the public. 

b) pursuant to section 122(1) of the Banking Act, 20190n Friday, the 1st day Of July 2022 which is the appointed date for redenominated currency to become legal tender, banking hours shall be from 11 am to 6 pm. 

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