Guru Ravidas Jayanti in 2026

Guru Ravidas Jayanti in India in 2026

When is Guru Ravidas Jayanti?


Where is Guru Ravidas Jayanti observed?

Himachal Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh

When is Guru Ravidas Jayanti?

In India, this day is a holiday in the following regions: Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. It is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Magh.

History of Guru Ravidas Jayanti

Guru Ravidas was born at the end of the 14th century in Seer Govardhanpur village, Uttar Pradesh, India. He was born into a low caste family who were regarded as untouchables.

Guru Ravidas was one of the first people to argue that all Indians should have a set of basic human rights. He became an eminent figure in the Bhakti Movement and taught spirituality and tried to bring forward a message of equality message based on freedom from the oppression of the Indian caste system.

41 of his devotional songs and poems are included in the Sikh Scriptures, Guru Granth Sahib.

Meera bai, a revered figure in Hindu spiritualism is said to have considered Guru Ravidas as her spiritual Guru.

The Guru's teachings now form the basis of the Ravidassia religion. Ravidassias believe that Guru Ravidas should be treated as a saint just like the other gurus, as he lived before the first Sikh Guru and his teachings were studied by the Sikh Gurus. In recent years, this has caused conflict with Sikhs and had led to Ravidassia breaking away from the orthodox Sikh structure.

How is Guru Ravidas Jayanti celebrated?

To mark his birthday, processions carrying his portrait take place in the streets, particularly in Seer Govardhanpur, which becomes a focal point for many devotees. Sikh scriptures are recited and prayers take place in the temples devoted to Guru Ravidas.

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