Feast of the Theophany in 2025

When is Feast of the Theophany?


Where is Feast of the Theophany observed?


When is the Feast of the Theophany?

In the Greek and Romanian Orthodox Churches, Epiphany celebrates the baptism of Jesus rather than the arrival of the Magi (Three wise men) which is celebrated on January 6th as Epiphany in the Western Church.

Other Orthodox Churches celebrate the Feast of the Theophany on January 19th using the Julian calendar date.

What is the Feast of the Theophany?

This observance commemorates Christ's baptism by John the Forerunner (John the Baptist) in the river Jordan, beginning Christ's ministry on earth and revealing the Holy Trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to mankind. Though no date for the baptism is given, it is generally accepted that Jesus was about 30 years old when he was baptised.

Despite the baptism of Jesus not being part of the nativity of Jesus, The Feast of Theophany is the culmination of the Christmas Season.

“The feast of the Baptism of the Lord … is unique in that on this day most of the Orthodox faithful are present in church to receive Holy Communion, in the Orthodox tradition,” the legislators write. They also highlight the Great Sanctification of the Water as a unique aspect of Theophany.

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