Foundation of Quito Day (in lieu) in 2025

When is Foundation of Quito Day (in lieu)?


Where is Foundation of Quito Day (in lieu) observed?


When is the Founding of Quito Day?

The Foundation of Quito (Spanish: Fundación de Quito) Day is a regional public holiday in Quito, the capital of Ecuador on December 6th each year.

This holiday marks the anniversary of the founding of Quito in 1534.

The Founding of Quito

Spanish colonisation of Ecuador began in the middle of the sixteenth century and Quito was founded on December 6th 1534 by 204 settlers led by Sebastián de Benalcázar.

Quito grew quickly and was declared a city in 1541 and became an administrative region of Spain and part of the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1563.

Despite the long-standing links to Spain, Quito was the first place in Latin America to rebel and declare independence in August 1809, and this event is commemorated on Ecuador's Independence Day.

The city has the best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America, making it one of the first cites in the world to be added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1978.

Did you know?

Quito is the highest official capital city in the world. La Paz in Bolivia is higher, but it is the administrative capital, with Sucre, the official capital being lower than Quito.

While only December 6th is a public holiday, the citizens of Quito (known as Quitenos) celebrate for almost 10 days prior to the actual day, with a lot of festivities in particular on December 5th and 6th.

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