Day Guide for Wednesday September 20th 2023

This is our day guide for Wednesday September 20th 2023 which shows you at a glance what's happening around the world on day 263 of 2023.

Holidays on September 20th 2023

International: Ganesh Chaturthi. Ganesh Chaturthi is the day when all Hindus celebrate one of the most popular deities, Lord Ganesh


Bhutan (regional): Thimphu Drubchen. Celebrated three days before Thimphu Tshechu, this festival dates back to the early 18th century.


Brazil (regional): Ragamuffin War Anniversary. Rio Grande do Sul. Marks the start of the Ragamuffin War in 1835.


Germany (regional): World Children's Day. The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland, proclaimed June 1st to be International Children's Day in 1925

Haiti: Dessalines Birthday. Commemorates the birth of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haiti's first ruler, in 1758.


India (regional): Nuakhai. Nuakhai is an agricultural festival observed by people of western Odisha to welcome the new rice of the season

Nepal: Nepali Constitution Day. Nepal is governed according to the Constitution which came into effect on September 20th 2015, replacing the Interim Constitution of 2007

September 19th 2023 | Go to Today | September 21st 2023

Observances on September 20th 2023

  • USA: National Punch Day
  • USA: National Gibberish Day
  • USA: National Pepperoni Pizza Day
  • International: International Day of University Sport
  • USA: National Queso Day
