National Day in Luxembourg in 2025

National Day in Luxembourg in 2025
  How long until National Day?
National Day is in 101 days
  Dates of National Day in Luxembourg
2026 Luxembourg Tue, Jun 23 National Holiday
2025 Luxembourg Mon, Jun 23 National Holiday
2024 Luxembourg Sun, Jun 23 National Holiday
2023 Luxembourg Fri, Jun 23 National Holiday
2022 Luxembourg Thu, Jun 23 National Holiday

The official birthday of the Grand Duke although no Grand Duke/Duchess has ever had a real birthday that fell on this day

  Local name

When is Luxembourg National Day?

This public holiday in Luxembourg is always celebrated on June 23rd and may also be called Grand Duke Day.

June 23rd is Luxembourg's National Day (Celebration publique de l'anniversaire du souverain) and the official birthday of the Grand Duke although no Grand Duke/Duchess has ever had a real birthday that fell on this day.

History of Luxembourg National Day

The Duke's birthday doesn't even commemorate the birth of a Duke, but a Duchess - the Grand Duchess Charlotte who ruled Luxembourg from 1919 - 1964.

The tradition of celebrating the monarch's birthday started in the 19th Century when Luxembourg was still part of the Netherlands. It became an important patriotic holiday under the reign of Grand Duchess Charlotte who came to the throne in 1919.

Charlotte was actually born on January 23rd 1896, but the celebrations were shifted to June so that the celebrations should have more favourable weather.

The day was made a national holiday in 1941, and the date of June 23rd was fixed by Ducal decree in 1961. So, despite the current Duke being the grandson of Charlotte, the June 23rd date has remained that of the National Day.

On the eve of National Day, a torchlight procession lights the streets beginning at 10 in the evening. A spectacular fireworks display is held in the Petrusse Valley and a mass is celebrated at the cathedral. After the fireworks, the city of Luxembourg City turns out for a massive party with waffles, sausages, beer, music, and dancing in the streets.

Official ceremonies such as a military parade, involving the army, police, fire and rescue workers, and the red cross; and a 101-cannon salute are held on National Day itself. The national anthem “Ons Heemecht” (Our Homeland) is sung during the military parade

In the afternoon, Te Deum, a religious service takes place at the Cathedral of Luxembourg, attended by the Grand Ducal Family, politicians and civil servants, selected members of society and diplomats.

Children are invited to try different games in a National Day Spillfest at Kinnekswiss park from 14.00, and there are free concerts at Place d’Armes during the afternoon. The day ends with the Duke and Duchess hosting a reception at the Grand Ducal Palace. Festivities are rounded off with a fireworks display followed by a large street party.

Luxembourg's economy is largely based on its highly developed financial sector. The country is the world's second largest investment fund centre (next to the United States) and the most important private banking centre in the Eurozone.

The capital, Luxembourg City, is one of the three official capitals of the European Union along with Brussels and Strasbourg, and is the seat of the European Court of Justice.

As of 2017, Luxembourg had the fifth highest Gross Domestic Product per capita in the world and the fourth highest Quality of Life index.

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