Labour Day in Australia in 2025

Labour Day in Australia in 2025
  How long until Labour Day?
Labour Day is in 49 days
  Dates of Labour Day in Australia
2026 Mar 2, Mar 9, May 4, Oct 5
2025 Mar 3, Mar 10, May 5, Oct 6
2024 Mar 4, Mar 11, May 6, Oct 7
2023 Mar 6, Mar 13, May 1, Oct 2
2022 Mar 7, Mar 14, May 2, Oct 3

Labour Day is a public holiday in Australia that was originally called Eight Hours Day

  Which regions observe Australia Labour Day in 2025?
National Holiday Regional Holiday Not a public holiday Govt Holiday

When is Labour Day in Australia?

Labour Day is a public holiday in Australia that was originally called 'Eight Hours Day'. This holiday is commemorated on different dates in the Australian States.

In ACT, New South Wales and South Australia, Labour Day takes place on the first Monday in October. In Northern Territory and Queensland, the public holiday is on the first Monday in May. It is celebrated on the second Monday in March in Victoria and Tasmania. Western Australia marks Labour day on the first Monday in March.

Labour Day in Australia commemorates the achievements of organised labour to implement the eight-hour day in the middle of the nineteenth century when previously workers were required to work 10 - 12 hours a day for six days a week.

History of Labour Day in Australia

While a change was made to the hours worked each day, the five day work week that most people enjoy today took almost a hundred years longer and was finally adopted in 1948.

Many union buildings across Australia have the numbers 888 on them. The numbers are in support of British socialist Robert Owen who believed that people should have 8 hours to work, 8 hours for recreation and 8 hours to sleep. This philosophy helped foster The Eight Hours Movement.

The first Labour Day parade was held in Melbourne on 21st April 1856.

The present day parades across Australia, are an enduring reminder of the advances made by the unions on behalf of the workers.

Labour Day is celebrated at different times across Australia because each state achieved the eight-hour day on different dates.

The Labour Day date was moved from May to the second Monday in March in some parts of Australia after World War II.

In New Zealand, this holiday is celebrated on the fourth Monday in October.

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